[ <- main ]
[ version history
| bugs
| next version
| how to install & use
| links
Irclog is a program for logging irc channel activity into files. It is
aimed to be an alternative to the hard-to-parse and sometimes
insufficient ircII /log feature. The logger is not aimed to produce
any kind of statistical output to the channels it logs, just to log.
Version history
Version 1.2 |
10.11.2000 |
download source (11k)
Only some small fixes, better output format (each channel is logged to
a separate file, and thus the channel invovled is not listed inside
the log file):
974329240 1 - logging started for channel
974329240 0 - logging stopped for channel. Only shown when the logger has been kicked from some channel, not if the logger client is killed. This might change later.
974428030 T Jonas!~xkr47@kebab.kahvila.net ja NYT nukkumaan - sample channel talk
974428039 Q Jonas!~xkr47@kebab.kahvila.net koitetaan taas - sample /quit
974430291 Q Tero!a@karpalo.kahvila.net Leaving - another /quit
974438961 J Antero!Antero@jekkukone.kahvila.net - /join
974439014 t Antero!Antero@jekkukone.kahvila.net Mato syö varhaisen linnun - topic change
973076079 A Jonas!~xkr47@kebab.kahvila.net houkaisee - /me action
973865181 N xkr47!~xkr47@kebab.kahvila.net boofar - nick change
974329240 L Antero!Antero@jekkukone.kahvila.net - /leave
... that is:
- the first field is the timestamp (as returned by time(2), seconds
since 1970)
- the second is the type of event
- the third is the person who did it
- the rest is an optional message, present or not depending on the
event type, see examples above
Version 1.1 |
10.11.2000 |
download source (11k)
- channel talk
/me actions
- nick changes
- joins, leaves, quits & kills
- topic changes
Understands /invite & /kick &
/msg commands. The /msg commands just gives
a status report. Remembers which channels it was invited to, thus
restarting the client should not need further interaction to make it
work as before.
Version 1.0 |
31.10.2000 |
download source (10k)
First version. Logs just channel talk and /me actions,
understands /invite & /kick directives.
Known bugs of version 1.2:
- If the logger logs multiple channels, nick changes are logged on
all channels even if the user changing nicks wasn't on all
- Any user can invite the logger to any channel but only channel
operators can kick it out.
- If the server disconnects, the logger does not try to
reconnect. Also, no alternative servers are supported at the
- If everybody else disconnects, the logger still stays on the
channel, regardless of whether it has operator status or not. If the
bot hasn't got operator status, it should leave the channel and then
join it again to gain operator status. Then it would sit back and wait
for another user to join the channel and give that user operator
status and then continue as normal. Also, if the channel has multiple
bots, and everybody else but the bots disconnect, there shold be a way
to recover from this situation without ending up with no
Next version
Stuff that would be nice to have in the next version:
/msg control commands
- possibility to change the nick of the logger
- password-protected operations
How to install & use
- The program uses the botnet package to communicate with the irc
server. Get it from http://zekiller.skytech.org/,
and install it.
- After that, grab one of the versions above, copy the file over the
examples/bot.c file, run make in that
directory. This should result in an executable called
bot . You might want to modify the defaults (channel,
nick) before using it to avoid conflicts. This is done by modifying
the #define statements in the beginning of the source.